Piero V.

Last Comments Keeper (v1.0) [Flatpress]


I’ve wrote another plugin 😉

When you clean the cache you lose last comments.

This plugin solves “this bug” and saves the cache.

If you want to delete the cache, you can disable the plugin or delete it from the FTP.

Maybe a day I’ll include this feture in the commentcenter.

License: Public Domain

Download: lckeep_v1.0.tar.gz


Ho scritto un ennesimo plugin 😉

Se si pulisce la cache dal pannello manutenzione, si perdono gli ultimi commenti.

Questo plugin risolve “questo bug” e salva la cache.

Se la volete eliminare veramente basta che disabilitate il plugin o che la eliminate dall’FTP.

Magari includerò questo plugin in Comment Center.

Licenza: Pubblico Dominio

Download: lckeep_v1.0.tar.gz

Plugin Entrylist (v1.0) [Flatpress]


I’ve written a plugin called Entrylist that adds the bbcode tag “entrylist”.

It allows to list the entries of the blog.

These are it options:

  • y=YY: list the entries for the year YY.
  • m=MM: list the entryes for the month MM. Y param is required.
  • d=DD: list the entries fot the day DD. Y and m are required.
  • yformat: the format for the year. It is in the form of date_modifier.
  • mformat: the format for the month. It is in the form of date_modifier.
  • dformat: the format for the day. It is in the form of date_modifier.
  • link=[on/off]: the title should be also a link?
  • sort=[asc/desc]: the sorting for entries: asc is ascending, desc is descending. Asc is the default value.
  • noentries: if there aren’t entries, what should output

License: GNU GPLv2.

Download: entrylist_v1.0.1.tar.gz entrylist_v1.0.tar.gz[Leggi il resto]

Plugin Comment Center (v1.1.1) [Flatpress]


I’ve updated again the Comment Center.

There was an underscore instead of a dash that hid the IP Address of the people that commented.

I’ve also made another change: when comments are locked they are just locked and they aren’t sent to Akismet, as before this updaed happened.

License: GNU GPLv2

Download: Comment Center v1.1.1


Ho aggiornato ancora Comment Center.

C’era un underscore al posto di un dash che nascondeva l’indirizzo IP della gente che commentava.

Ho anche fatto un altro cambiamento: quando i commenti sono bloccati, sono proprio bloccati, invece prima erano anche mandati ad Akismet.

Licenza: GNU GPLv2

Download: Comment Center v1.1.1

Plugin FootNotes Patcher [Flatpress]

I like the plugin FootNotes of NoWhereMan but it has a very annoying bug: it transforms asterisks in <strong> and I love the Doc Block comment format: every time I write one the Footnotes plugin transforms it, so I’ve released this plugin that patches the original FootNotes.

Both plugin must be enabled.

License: Public Domain

Download: Footnotes Patcher Plugin

Plugin Tabmenu (v4.0) [Flatpress]


This plugin adds “sel” class if you are in that page (in HTML, class=”sel”).

You can use both {{TABCLASS}} and {{TABSELECT}}: the difference is that the first adds the class attribute, the second just the sel and so you can speficy other classes. See below for an example.

This is an example (for the homepage):

<li {{TABCLASS:index}}><a href="/" title="Homepage>Homepage</a></li>
<li class="myotherclass {{TABSELECT:index}}"><a href="/" title="Homepage>Homepage</a></li>

Replace index with:

  • index or blog for the blog homepage
  • contact for contact.php
  • admin for admin panel
  • login for login page
  • post:entry_id or entry:entry_id for entries (with entry_id the ID of the entry)
  • static:static_id for static pages (with static_id a static page id)
  • category:id or cat:id for a category with category number as id
  • tag:id with tag name as id
  • params:url or fp_params:url or fpparams:url instead of url insert the part next the ? of Flatpress standard urls (beta function, I’m not so sure it works) … [Leggi il resto]