One evening, a pair of weeks ago, I was pretty bored, and I did not want to do anything too demanding. Somehow I reminded Burnout’s soundtrack, and I wondered: is it possible to extract it from the original disk instead of relying on YouTube, or something similar, to listen to it?
Loading GCMs on Linux
I dumped my Burnout disk with some Wii homebrew 8 years ago or so. That time, I named it with the .iso
extension, but GC disks are not ISO 9660 standard. They have a proprietary format that the community dubbed GCM.
Even the file
utility can detect that them:
$ file burnout.iso burnout.iso: Nintendo GameCube disc image: "Burnout" (GBOP51, Rev.00)
So, I downloaded a tool called simply gcm-tool. Man, many years have passed since the last time I download something from Google Code!
And I love that people provided an executable and its source code, in plain portable C or C++, without any GUI or additional dependencies. So a gcc *.c
gets the work done, and using the wanted tool is immediately possible. … [Leggi il resto]