Piero V.

Make comments always visible on Flatpress


Può capitare di far sempre visibili i commenti su Flatpress.

Ecco il plugin che fa al caso vostro:

Plugin Name: Comments Always Visible
Version: 1.0
Plugin URI: http://www.vdfn.altervista.org/2010/09/29/make-comments-always-visible-on-flatpress/
Description: Make comments always visible
Author: Piero VDFN
Author URI: http://www.vdfn.altervista.org/
function plugin_commentsvisible() {
	global $fp_params;

add_filter('init', 'plugin_commentsvisible', 20);

Salvatelo per esempio in fp-plugins/commentsvisible/plugin.commentsvisible.php.

Licenza: Pubblico Dominio


If you use Flatpress, maybe you want to show comments always.

This is the code to do that (see on the top of entry).

Save it for example in fp-plugins/commentsvisible/plugin.commentsvisible.php.

License: Public Domain

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